Korean latest 2008 Autumn Fashion Collection Jeans, suitable for active woman. This jeans can be used for work, or casual.

Latest Korean clothes, Korean Jeans in trend fashion style here :

Materials: Jeans
Color:   As per the picture
Size: 26 / 27 / 28/ 29/ 30
Hip: 82cm/ 84cm / 88cm / 92cm/ 96cm
Length: 65cm / 66cm / 67 cm / 68cm / 69cm
Waist: 68cm / 72cm / 76cm / 80cm / 84cm
Crotch: 19cm / 20cm / 21cm/ 22cm/ 23cm
Leg openting Top: 48cm / 50cm / 52cm / 54cm / 56cm
Leg openting bottom: 32cm / 34cm / 36cm/ 38cm / 40cm

Materials: Jeans ( inelastic , the belt doesn't come with )
Color: As per the picture
Size: S / M / L
Length: 101cm /101cm /102 cm
Waist: 72cm / 76cm / 78cm
Hip: 92cm / 96cm / 100cm
crotch: 20cm / 20cm / 21cm
Thigh: 48cm / 50cm / 52cm


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